Life Update

pineapple trauma and feeling uncharted things – august

My favourite way to start a blog post usually is by recapping a sky observation, but as sad as it may sound, I’ve forgotten to look out my window. Things have been, scattered, and I have, been blindfolded. Today in my creative writing class our teacher gave us an impromptu question, she gave us the…… Continue reading pineapple trauma and feeling uncharted things – august

Life Update

I want to make a home out of this feeling

Since the last couple weeks, I’ve been waking up everyday in the belief that the truth is something I’ve made up because my brain just won’t register the fact that something like this could happen to me outside of the daydream I built in my head. A few weeks ago I got accepted into my…… Continue reading I want to make a home out of this feeling


something about july – a poem

something about grief having soft hands because she knows pain / something about the diagonally falling rain / something about my blanket being the best shoulder to cry on / something about making my parents proud / something about coming first in English and finding an even bigger void to fill / something about getting…… Continue reading something about july – a poem

Life Update

this silhouette of uncertainty has defeated the monster under my bed in a knife fight

The clouds have been gathering in the sky a lot often nowadays and they’re usually the highlight of my day. It looked like cotton candy today. Each second gets heavier by the moment, since I’ve started registering for my university entrance exams it becomes more apparent to me how real all of this is. I…… Continue reading this silhouette of uncertainty has defeated the monster under my bed in a knife fight


27.05.20 – a day in pictures

Reading before I start with the day is one of my favourite habits :)) started reading Howl’s Moving Castle, a Ghibli movie is adapted on this book with the same title. watered all my plant children and tilled the soil so they could breathe easier through the roots. the sky is the thing I miss…… Continue reading 27.05.20 – a day in pictures


things i need at 11:37 pm on a Tuesday night

i want to sit in an over crowded train in this humid weather near a window and try to read the book in my hands over the loud chatter of many voices to have a swinging competition with El in the garden of my apartment premises till we both feel nauseous and decide to walk…… Continue reading things i need at 11:37 pm on a Tuesday night

Simply Something

dim surroundings and some silence

Do you have days where nothing goes wrong but you’re just blank and low? Not the sad kind of low, but the kind where you want everything to be in dim lighting and quiet. Less than the sound of a pin drop. I would love to be one of those people who is making the…… Continue reading dim surroundings and some silence

Life Update

this quaran-teen turned quaran18 during this quarantine

last week was a cocktail of breezy weather and good toasty sun-rays, all of which i could only enjoy through the view my window permitted and somewhere over the course of all that nice weather and social distancing i became a legal adult. did the mountain of responsibility move onto my shoulder? no. did i…… Continue reading this quaran-teen turned quaran18 during this quarantine

Life Update

day 21 of quarantine: my brain cells are revolting against me

the world has come to an abrupt halt. being a person who hates routine, I’m literally being pushed into it with life pointing a knife to my back, and i have self sabotaging feelings throughout the day at 15 minute intervals. i’m clearly not adjusting well to a slow paced way, in fact i’m giving…… Continue reading day 21 of quarantine: my brain cells are revolting against me

Life Update

self quarantine, day 5 – restless days and a flicker of persistent hope

I haven’t stepped out of my house since 18th March, and I miss the feeling of the sun on my skin. If corona hadn’t broken out and forced a lock down, Egg and I would’ve been in the same state today. it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen her. if she would be here…… Continue reading self quarantine, day 5 – restless days and a flicker of persistent hope

Life Update

staying in, trying to breathe calmer

so i took a break from blogging because of various things, but mainly because i’d try to remove one thought out of my head and four more would fall out and it was starting to get really frustrating at a point. i would sit down in front of my laptop determined, the blinking cursor seemed…… Continue reading staying in, trying to breathe calmer

Life Update

literally having 2020 vision haha

Here’s something about winters, they make me sleepy and sad, but not the depressed kind of sad, but the gloomy kind of sad. The kind of sad that makes me want to switch my phone off, make the room dark and stare at the ceiling for hours. I’m a stereotypical winter lover, I wear fluffy…… Continue reading literally having 2020 vision haha


a list of moments and feelings

the feeling after you finish a really good book, and the urge to read the book for the first time againwhen you say goodbye to someone you know you won’t see again for a long timehaving a hot shower after a long, sad dayrunning and catching a bus that you thought you’d misslistening to a…… Continue reading a list of moments and feelings